​​ Wuhu sanglejin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd


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The annual meeting of "surpassing dreams" was grandly held
Release time:2014-01-19 
Years flow in silence and life is brilliant in struggle. On the afternoon of January 18, 2014, sanglejin grandly held the "beyond dreams" theme to welcome the new year's annual meeting. All employees of the company gathered together to present a unique visual feast to the audience with colorful and joyful entertainment programs, creating a warm, enthusiastic, lively and festive atmosphere of the annual meeting.

Years flow in silence and life is brilliant in struggle. On the afternoon of January 18, 2014, sanglejin grandly held the "beyond dreams" theme to welcome the new year's annual meeting. All employees of the company gathered together to present a unique visual feast to the audience with colorful and joyful entertainment programs, creating a warm, enthusiastic, lively and festive atmosphere of the annual meeting.


The chairman delivered a speech at the annual meeting

Jin Daoming, chairman of sanglejin, delivered a speech at the annual meeting, highly summarized the main work and achievements in 2013, expressed heartfelt thanks to the employees and their families who worked hard for the development of the company in 2013, and made a new prospect for the development of the company in 2014.


Liu Bin, director of human resources administration, announced the agenda of the annual meeting


All members of Sang lejin gathered at the Spring Festival annual meeting

Before the program began, Liu Bin, director of human resources administration, announced the agenda of the annual meeting. The company has successively awarded "advanced individual" and "advanced collective" awards, with a total of 19 advanced individuals and 2 advanced collectives.


The chairman presented the "advanced collective" award


Executive Vice President Chen Jianxin presented the "advanced individual" award

There are nearly 20 programs in this annual meeting, such as "grateful heart", "sang lejin's Hymn", "grasping money dance", "big double reed", and indoor sitcom "news broadcast", most of which are created by employees who learn from classic programs and integrate into sang lejin's reality, showing sang lejin's innovative, pragmatic and enterprising spirit.


After the wonderful lion dance performance, the performers offer auspicious wishes


First prize winning program: "grateful heart"

The heart of Thanksgiving, which won the first prize, showed the development process of the enterprise from scratch and from small to large in the form of text and map display, dance performance and music accompaniment, and focused on the gratitude of sanglejin people to friends from all walks of life, investors and enterprise founders, which won unanimous praise from the audience.


Second prize winning program: news broadcast


Third prize winning program: money grabbing dance

The second prize indoor sitcom "news broadcast" won loud applause for its anti string performance, funny jokes drawn from society and enterprises and innovative highlights. The fiery "catch money dance" is full of enthusiasm and won the third prize for its moral and lively characteristics.


Annual meeting lucky draw and award presentation site

The lucky draw throughout the whole process of the annual meeting is an exciting link that can also adjust the on-site atmosphere. There are special prizes and first to fourth prizes in this lucky draw. While enjoying the warmth and joy of the big family, many employees also took the lucky gifts home.



The whole audience sang "beyond dreams", and the 2014 Spring Festival annual meeting was successfully concluded

Before the closing of the annual meeting, the chairman of the board excited the atmosphere with a song "on the road" and guided the audience to sing "beyond dreams". The loud singing and thunderous applause are the display of sanglejin people's high spirited outlook. "Surpassing dreams" will also become the spiritual driving force for us to seize opportunities and realize dreams, urge us to complete various strategic plans, and gradually realize sanglejin people's goal of "serving family health and building a world-famous health brand".



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